Tuesday, December 8, 2015


In the world we live in today this is a very sore subject that has become very common. A lot of times we overlook the positives as we seem to judge harshly on those that have divorced. Divorce many times takes place because of the misuse of agency. Men and Women come together in marriage with this fantasy idea that everything will be as a fairytale. They shortly realize that it is hard work and it takes practice to get good at it. In some instances people give up trying and they get divorced because it can be considered the "easy way out". Before the legal divorce becomes approved and finalized it is very common to have already emotionally checked our and divorced in that way. It causes families to split and it can become a great stressor (something that brings you stress) in your life. The studies show that many times it is the women that choose to divorce rather than the men. The men are most likely to call for professional help as the wife pretends it doesn't exist until she cant handle it anymore. Of course it is not like this in every case but it is becoming more commonly seen. Many times the women that divorce never get remarried as the men do. This was a crazy stat for me yet I understand because I see that women tend to stay home more with the kids and they seem to have more of an emotional attachment than men do. Again, it is not like this in all instances yet it is just the most common. Divorce isn't always the best choice, yet everyone's situations are different and we, as God's children, are not here to judge. God always gives us more than one opportunity to feel happiness. I know that he loves all of his children and whether we choose to end with divorce or push forward through the hard times, God will be there giving us strength

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


               A parent is defined as a caretaker of the offspring in their own species by learning and growing with them by responding and recognizing their needs. As a parent better understand their child, they become to better understand themselves. The role of parent is so vital because we are than taking on the role of Mother or Father which comes with a great responsibility. We become to understand the true plan of happiness as we progress in this new of phase in our lives. God trusts us to love his children and to help guide them so that they can one day be worthy to live in his presence again. In that right there, comes the GREAT RESPONSIBILITY.
             Children respond to Love and to contact. When a parent shows interest in their child through a loving voice and a great big hug the child than gains a trust for that parent. They begin to rely on them for help. They know where to turn to and they know who to trust. this is so important in a child's life because they need that attention and they need that acceptance from someone. A parent is to help the child to survive and thrive. They have the best interest at heart for the child and they do so willingly. The gospel gives us opportunities to learn and to better our parenting. It allows us the opportunity to understand and apply the teachings from the prophets into our lives. The blessings of parenting are unimaginable.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


                                                            Duel Income No Kids
With out Children....    
        Savings without debt
        more emergency
        avoid boredom
        afford nicer living circumstances

        less quality time together
        Double transportation
        Other priorities

With Children.....
         More emergency money
         More satisfaction
         Role Confusion
         Child care
         less influence over our children
         Emotional attachments will suffer
         Fail to convey value of the family
         More independence
As shown above there are many positives and negatives that follow a duel income household. I came from a family that had two parents working. I would have to say that I saw many things that functioned very nicely yet others that didn't. I am also the oldest of five kids and I felt a huge burden about my shoulders as I took on a very important role as older sister. Not only does money affect things within the marriage but it can change a family. Many say there are more benefits to having one parent at home as the other worked. In my own experiences I saw that our choices and our agency on how we choose to act upon our circumstances alters the outcome. For example, having two parents working as I grew up, worked our great. I saw unity happen because we learned to cherish the time we had together.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


We all respond to love in different ways. Some prefer words of affirmation while others prefer acts of service. We all love to be loved. In our lives we are expected to act a certain way, we are to do certain things, and we are to say things in a certain way. Yet, it isn’t always like that. We were given agency as a gift from our Heavenly Father to test us as we are to progress. Media has become a vital way to communicate. In our relationships we see that they are becoming, just as important physically together as it is while we are away from each other, yet connected through technology. 14% of communication is the words that are said, 35% is the tone it was presented and 51% is nonverbal. Through the media we are only given that 14% and it can be easily confused. We use code in order to communicate and we are expected to decode in order to keep the peace. Men and Women are so different and in order to coexist it is important to understand one another. I know that this can make things complicated yet it is an opportunity to grow. Growth is important to God’s plan and he wants us to take advantage of every situation that is placed before us. Communication can be mistaken if we choose to mistake it. We must take what we know and give it the benefit of the doubt. We are imperfect beings but we come from a perfect Heavenly Father that will lead and guide us to the best of our successes.     

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stressors within the Family

Many may believe that stress is a negative cause one may have to a difficult situation. Yet, they do not know that stress is actually a healthy benefit to ones day to day life. We need to have stress in order to grow. Our strengths become our strengths through our experiences. Now the question is..... Does stress, within the bonds of a family, harm a families unity? Again... STRESS IS GOOD! The family receives an opportunity to grow.... not only individually but together as a family unit. People that have stress that believe it is bad for them have a higher risk of dying from the stressor yet those that have stress but understand the benefits actually benefit from it and have a positive outcome. Mentally, stress is difficult yet if one can keep strong mentally than physically they will strengthen as well. A family that can keep strong through the hard times, is a family that will uplift others through their hard times as well and strengthen others through the experiences they had as they were weak. The family is a wonderful unit that is and has always been part of God's plan for all of his children. He knows that it can bring us happiness. He also knows that through a family we learn to become more and more like him. How beautiful is God's plan truly? Stress is part of that plan and allow us to become closer to our Father in Heaven.    

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Intimacy: a close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person or group.

            The Worlds outlook on Sex has become vulgar, as God continues to view it as a sacred bond one has with his or her spouse. God is an unchanging God and this sacred act is still an act that we are commanded to save until marriage. 
               Men and Women were created differently but yet were both created in the image of God. 
He gave us the blessing of being intimate with a person so that we could bring life to this planet and so that we could share something very special with the person that we absolutely love. Love is a very strong emotion that we are able to create with someone that has won over our hearts. In saying that Love is a very strong emotion, we may also say that intimacy is a strong emotion that we may share with our spouse. As young adults get married it may be considered as fun because it is something new and exciting but yet it still sacred and it is still something that can bring you two together in a very spiritual way. We are so blessed and if we choose to use intimacy in the correct way we again receive blessings from the Lord. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dating... Are you ready for Marriage????

Before my mission I found myself dating a lot of good guys that all had goals and had their minds set in where they wanted to go with their lives. I found myself falling in love, not being interested in a guy, and or even not knowing what I really want with a guy. Dating is not easy! Before the mission it was noncommittal, no pressure what so ever, and no interest to find "THE ONE". Now having returned from the mission there is so much pressure. Dating has become something TOTALLY different. It is no longer something that is "just for fun". I mean it could be but it seems like it is life or death at this point. I am 22 years old and everyone has these super high expectations for me getting married within this year. It scares me but understanding the true meaning of God's plan for us, allows us peace in our lives. I know that God has a plan and his plan is perfect. He wants us to choose yet he will guide us in the right directions so that we don't regret our decisions. He trusts us and he wants us to be to happy and for that we follow him and his council. A marriage is a sacred promise that we make to our Heavenly Father that allow us the blessings of the heavens. We call that a covenant and as we become closer with God we become closer with our spouse. Within the bounds of a happy eternal marriage comes the gospel and its teachings. Faith in Christ increases our ability to listen to the still small voice of the Holy Ghost. He will help lead us to our own happily ever afters. There I find my inter peace and there I find my Savior's love cradling me from the craziness of this world.